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What We, the People, Learned, Thanks to Coronavirus

What have we learned from coronavirus?

We learned that walls work.

We learned that the open borders idée fixe has tumbled on both sides of the Atlantic in just about a month or so, besides the fact that the run-up to the destructive open borders strategy had been going on for decades.

We learned that we are facing digital Easter, digital Passover, digital this, and digital that everywhere.  Surprisingly, all of this because of the number of infected in the United States has reached “catastrophic” 0.1% of the entire population.  (For comparison, seasonal flu affects about 20% or more of the population.)

We learned that much of the internal workings of our society are hidden.  For example, doctors were not allowed to prescribe an anti-malarial drug to treat coronavirus patients until the FDA approved.  It certainly looks as though our doctors were one of the first to lose their freedom to the FDA, who has been methodically strangling medical innovation in America for decades.

We learned that our doctors are mostly order-takers now.  They are told by an army of unelected and uneducated bureaucrats what they are allowed to prescribe to their patients.  Our doctors are no longer able to prescribe medicines that actually treat illnesses – only the medications permitted.

We learned that CDC statistics do not distinguish between patients who happen to die while having the coronavirus and those who die from the disease.

We learned that some judge in Hawaii is about to rule that the 2-to-1 coronavirus death ratio between men and women is sexist and unconstitutional.

We learned why so many U.S. governors freak out when they must face epidemics like the coronavirus.  They went into panic mode not because the novel virus is as terrible as the bubonic plague, but because they knew for sure that they (and their predecessors) had spent taxpayers’ money for their pet wealth redistribution projects instead of preparing for regular seasonal illnesses.

We learned the right criteria of a state governor’s work – not how much he asks from the federal government, but how much he does not ask from the federal government, for asking the federal government is just another wealth redistribution scheme.

We learned that most Americans are under the solid (and faulty) belief that it’s the federal government’s job to fight epidemics, not the governors in each state.

We learned that governments worldwide had learned their lesson, too: they comprehended that taking full control of people’s lives and suppressing a free press is a much easier task than previously thought.  Some of them, including some state governors, are even bragging about the coming of the “new progressive era.”

We learned that due to travel restrictions, CNN lost most of its viewership because practically nobody passes through airports these days.   

We learned that leftists are bigger fans of business bailouts than conservatives, for they understand that helping businesses is almost always done as a wealth redistribution scheme.

We learned most of the government’s decisions in all countries are made based on mathematical and computer models, not the actual data.  Global warming was just a model.  Hurricanes’ trajectories are only models.  Published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, unemployment numbers are not real numbers; they are numbers generated by a model.  Models also produced the future number of infected by the coronavirus and the number of deaths (both incorrect).  (By the way, Napoleon learned the lesson of theoretical models in government when he appointed a genius mathematician and physicist Pierre Laplace to head the Ministry of the Interior.  Laplace was dismissed just six weeks later.  Modern governments still do not get it.)

We learned that the “social distancing” recommendation of six feet is based on, again, on a model from the 1930s, not actual research.

We learned that having three branches of government increases compounded authorities’ stupidity during a crisis not threefold, but by three orders of magnitude.

We learned that Italy and the United States are the only two large countries in the world that never used the BCG vaccine to fight tuberculosis.  The BCG vaccine has an unexpected side-effect – it significantly diminishes the severity of coronavirus illness.

We learned what it looks like when hospital capacity is exceeded, like in China, Italy, and Spain.

We learned that not all exports are created equal.  When you have exported manufacturing outside your country, you must rely on foreigners to bail you out.

We learned, due to forced homeschooling and seeing what teachers do in virtual classrooms, what is essentially going on in schools: indoctrination and political propaganda on an industrial, global scale.

We learned that any number that comes from some countries (like China or Russia or Cuba or Iran or North Korea) must not be trusted or used for any comparison or any coronavirus-related arguments.

We learned that we have not only a shortage of medical personnel, but also a severe lack of competent journalists.

We learned that only some of the so-called journalists are indirectly on the Chinese payroll.  Most of the left-leaning mass disinformation media and international organizations (like the WHO) are under direct Chinese control.

We learned that we are surrounded by terminally naïve people who still believe that the number of coronavirus cases in the United States exceeds the number of coronavirus cases in China.  The bitterness of the situation is that these people vote.

We learned that a lot of people were surprised that there is no such thing as a national toilet paper reserve.

We learned that red tape actually kills – apparently, millions of surgical and N95 masks do exist but are waiting for FDA inspectors. 

We learned who is salivating at coronavirus-related deaths statistics and unemployment numbers.  (Hint: These people are laser-focused on nullifying the 2016 elections.)

We learned the political affiliation of those who want Americans who are unemployed and sick.

We learned that we are surrounded by many countries that have converted themselves into concentration camps.  Moreover, they, most likely, will choose to remain in these camps when the coronavirus is gone.

We learned that the United States is surrounded by other heads of state who are dictators, thugs, war criminals, and just lowlife people.  In November 2020, we must choose the commander-in-chief who can deal with these characters.

[Originally published at American Thinker]

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